Thursday, April 12, 2007

Kluflex Letters - continued

Cousin Nagford,

Your letters to me concerning your subject’s faith in the enemy are beginning to weary my ears, really. I mean, were we defeated at the gates of heaven when those dire arms flung us into the pit? I think not. Let them have faith. Let them have religion, even if it is Christianity. We have time on our side.
My junior tempting school gym teacher once remarked to a classmate of mine, who was ill at ease with the gentle tutelage of his own peers, “Time is the incessant heel that grinds us to the will of our betters.” In your man’s case (and any human’s case), Our Father below is the stronger will, the more insistent tug. The draw of Hell is like gravity itself. And, gravity and time are cousins just as surely as we are, Nagford! Let the little stinkblob have his faith in the enemy. We will grind it in our terrible teeth.
As you bloody well know, since your man is a self-professed Christian, we are at full scale war with his soul. It has been accepted by that terrible light, and bathed in fire and water. To us, it is no longer a sweet smelling meat roasted on a hellish spit, but a horrible burning brand.
Nevertheless, since it is we who tend the fire on the first hand, and the man himself who tends it with faith and religion on the second hand, we have the field advantage. Humans are inherently lazy and selfish, after all. So, we need to aim all our endeavors towards making him as complacent towards his relationship with the enemy as possible. Instead of continuing to isolate him, we should now thrust him into the spotlight. Make him a popular fellow with his peers – at least, the peers we control. Let his acquisition of material things go unhindered. As terrible as it is to stoke the happiness of a man, in the long run it can fuel him towards disaster. Clutter him up with goods to barrier him from the enemy. Oh, He’s bound to get through you know, but any act of diminishing Him aids us greatly.
What you are really doing in this, cousin, is creating an opportunity. Balloon his happiness till it chokes him, stoke his ego until it drives him off a cliff. There are no real successes towards materialism or power abuse due to his faith, and he’ll be aware of this. He’ll see no danger in them, and lose his way. He’ll coast on his faith, rather than tend it. Opportunity, Nagford, Opportunity! Even in a losing battle, one bullet can turn the tide. If you can skewer his faith at the right opportunity, you’ll end the man.
As a Christian, he has taken up his cross. Yet, he doesn’t yet know what that means. Most Christians, when they speak of taking up the cross, mean it as symbolically as the wooden beams on the stupid steeple or the tacky jewelry on their flabby necks. In their hearts, however, they are not truly prepared to take up their suffering and endure with it to the end. It is hardly entertaining for them, and always exactly what they need rather than want. And, delightfully, some is it is truly awful. Loss of loved ones - oh yes! Sickness - delightful! Wanton rejection and hatred of his fellow man - ah sweet misery! These are crosses, Nagford, and opportunities we could not create if total control were ours, ironically. The enemy practically drools over them at those crosses as we do, for different reasons obviously. He wants them to come through the crucible well forged, and we want them cooked to a crisp! How often have we murdered hope, and ground them under despair. Only one of them made it through to terrible victory, cousin, only one! Let them be Christians if they dare.
As shallow as a human is, their souls drink from deep waters. They thirst for that perfect life they all feel is coming, but are left in a world of danger, suffering, and seemingly endless time. That thirst is quenched for them when they stand before the enemy, and we are cast without as shaky helpless shadows. Yet, with our help, they do far less to quench their thirst with the enemy as they do with the world in which Our Father below rules as prince. Courage, persistence, and patience are called virtues, but they are crosses! Ha! See how many will take them up in that state! See how many will stand against the state and their peers for the sake of righteousness! They want it to be easy. They want it to be fair. They want it to be predictable. And you are afraid? Pah!! It is so easy to make them see the world as god more than Him. Who would look at one shining star in the heavens when tossed in a sea of noise and fury? Time is on our side, cousin. Bide yours.

Your delightful cousin,

Dear cousin Nagford,

Good work putting your patient’s faith to hammer and tongs. I’ve read the reports of your progress so far, and it’s clear that you’ve given him quite a few lovely jabs in the eye. If it is war He wants, let him have it. Any prey that struggles to leave its cage is going to let the bruises of such an effort teach him submission.
I can see, however, that you are overly worried about your man’s realizations. He is beginning to realize the Truth, take a lesson from it, and apply it in his life. He’s “moving forward”, as you put it. Sweet, foolish cousin. Let me tell you how to get a man so bent on moving forward that he’ll spin his wheels fast enough to move backwards: Objectivism.
Purpose is the domain of the enemy where objectives and agendas are ours. One includes His guidance, and the other is an end unto itself. Every thing that He made has its twisted equivalent. Everything made has a mockery. So, because they are so similar in form, these dull-witted humans will mistake one for the other without a second thought. Why, I once broke up a congregation with objectives. They aimed so hard at building a better community that they drove themselves apart with their own energies. What kept me laughing about it was the work efforts that tore them apart were intended as a way for them to get closer to Him. It was as easy as seeding the idea that all outcomes are events-oriented rather than faith-oriented. The objective eclipsed the purpose, and it was as easy as falling off a log.
The principle of things and the face of them are so alike sometimes that a twisted truth seems straight. It is easy to fool them, and trip them up with objectives and agendas. After all, if the objective is benevolent, then any objection or doubt or promptings of the enemy will be brushed aside with the simple phrase “It is for the greater good.”
The world of the spirit is like a vast river, the current of which has such subtleties and changes that any course without guidance, be it benevolent or otherwise, is doomed. The path to Hell is paved not merely with good intentions, but intention itself. A man of intentions is his own god, in a way. Why would a man need a helping hand when he can leverage the world? Our job is to rotate them in and out of this position of leverage at a rate that keeps their desires satisfied only to the point that they continue to crave more of the world, more of us, and less of Him. The objective is the objective.

Your delightful cousin, Kluflex

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